About DeanLan

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We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.

Hi, I am deanlan, software engineer, I worked as a intern at Intel, Guotai Junan Securities, Weimob. I will graduate from SJTU in 2017, and will work at Tencent, as a back-end software engineer.


Hi,我是兰枫, 程序员 & 工程师,曾在Intel 国泰君安 Weimob 实习。 将在2017年从上海交通大学 毕业,将于2017年加入腾讯,负责后台开发。

我感兴趣的领域有后台开发,分布式系统,图像处理,机器学习,模式识别 想要成为优秀的架构师!
